Our Purpose
The Greek Eco Project is an environmental organization founded in 2020 by a group of sensitized people of different backgrounds with a common denominator of love and respect for the natural environment. Based in Thessaloniki. Through our continuous environmental actions, we try to protect the environment. Because we feel the deep responsibility that falls upon us and because we believe that what you love you must protect and keep it safe individually and collectively, as our every little act is a big breath for the earth.
Our mission, the mobilization of the world and the recognition of the value of nature through educational programs and actions throughout Greece, such as coastal and underwater clean-ups, tree planting, experiential ecological workshops, renovations of urban parks as well as larger projects such as the Blue Halkidiki projects.
The vision of the Greek Eco Project is the creation of a multi-dimensional trans-Balkan ecological park in the Prefecture of Thessaloniki, 100% autonomous in terms of energy. A park friendly and open to all, with gardens, lakes, open playgrounds, specially designed areas for pets, which are a hive of knowledge and inspiration. Within this, the actions and what we advocate as values will be integrated and we will create a model for changing the mentality of today's society.
Avgi Metaxa
Project Manager
I am Avgi. Mother of 2 girls, wife, sister, daughter, freelancer, dog-mother and whisperer of 1,2,3,4,5 dogs. Holder of 2 Greek basketball championships, snowboarder from birth, extreme sports lover. When I'm not travelling, my mind travels everywhere, even in my sleep. I have renounced meat, I love Jane Fonda, I wish I was a DJ, as good as Steve Aoki, expert at Τai Τsi Chuan and I wished to be a Samurai. I always think outside the box, marching and believing in teamwork and collaboration. Always Thinking alternatively and creatively and in order to satisfy my need for an action, I founded the Greek Eco Project. I think our generation has been brainwashed into being lazy, doing everything the easy way and not the right way... It's time to do it the right way.
Efi Karasiouna
I am Efi, the gracious muse of music! Mother of 2 boys, wife, sister, daughter, freelancer and Marketing graduate. From a young age I ran to every activity in my town, karate, scouts, painting, traditional dancing, typewriting, catechism and when I couldn't do any of those I ran to the mountains. In the end, basketball and my love for sports won me over. In general, I don't like to lose and with everything I get passionate about I focus on achieving the best result and having fun myself and with those around me. I love traveling, but I haven't been to many places, something that is a dream of mine. I would like to be a dancer and dance even when I walk. In general, I like to try new things. I believe in teamwork and cooperation, and I want my children to grow up in a better world.
Alexandra Kouparani
Διαχειριστής έργου
Environmental Project Manager
Alexandra Kouparani was born in 1979 in Thessaloniki. Ever since she was a little girl, she liked to write little surreal stories and explore. When she was a teenager, she was a champion basketball player,following her mother trace. When she turned 20 she took her first big bike, where she explored Evros, from Heli to Canada and from Samothraki to Adrianoupoli. She studied Forestry, Environmental and Natural Resources Management at the ICP, in order to learn to distinguish the trees of the forest and to know the secret procedures nature follow. Like a feather in the wind, she changed a lot of houses. In Volos she gave birth to two daughters. In N.Olvio Xanthis she built a small underground workshop, where she made elixirs of herbs. In Athens she worked for a large public company. In Rethymno she was taught how to become an environmental teacher. In Makrinitsa Serres she found her spirituality. Everything had a beginning, a middle and an end. All but her curiosity. Today she lives in her birthplace, Thessaloniki, conducting studies, planning environmental actions, sleeping under plane trees and walking very often barefoot.
Thalia Metaxa
Artistic Editor
I'm Thalia, I'm married and I have two kids and two dogs. I'm a holder of three grand slams and I know how to ride a bike and an electric skateboard. In my spare time, I paint. My paintings are located in living rooms of very important people. Years ago, I got lost in a desert, That's where I understood the value water. On the pearl river in Guangzhou, China, I searched for pearls, but I couldn't find any, because the waters were murky. On one of my voyages, the plane broke down and made an emergency landing somewhere in Europe. 20 years ago I got lost in a ski resort due to bad weather conditions and I reached a rescue team to come and find me. I've driven across four continents and swam with dolphins, jellyfish, mullets and scorpions. In Africa, I drove all night with three passed out people in the car, towards an unknown direction.
Global warming is a reality and the earth is not flat.

Thalia Metaxa
Artistic Editor
Artistic Editor
I'm Thalia, I'm married and I have two kids and two dogs. I'm a holder of three grand slams and I know how to ride a bike and an electric skateboard. In my spare time, I paint. My paintings are located in living rooms of very important people. Years ago, I got lost in a desert, That's where I understood the value water. On the pearl river in Guangzhou, China, I searched for pearls, but I couldn't find any, because the waters were murky. On one of my voyages, the plane broke down and made an emergency landing somewhere in Europe. 20 years ago I got lost in a ski resort due to bad weather conditions and I reached a rescue team to come and find me. I've driven across four continents and swam with dolphins, jellyfish, mullets and scorpions. In Africa, I drove all night with three passed out people in the car, towards an unknown direction.
Global warming is a reality and the earth is not flat.
Natalia Metaxa
Graphic Designer
Graphic Designer
Oh, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, I'm Natalia, engaged without a ring, aunt of four, dog-mother and Panathinaikos volleyball athlete. I'm always with a suitcase in my hand and I'm moving from town to town and from island to island! I like sweets and I eat a lot, don't be fooled by the "Panathinaikos athlete".
From a young age I was drawn to nature and I always preferred to take pictures of meadows with gardenias, century-old plane trees and blue skies. I've been skydiving from 14,000 feet, and then I woke up in fear. In addition to that, I had bought tickets to America, days before the Covid-19 outbreak. I was one of the passed out people in the Tunisian car that Thalia was driving and almost got married to a local for 100 camels! Although I believe in the Marvel multiverse, I love our Earth and I don't want to see it destroyed.

Natalia Metaxa
Graphic Designer
Oh, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, I'm Natalia, engaged without a ring, aunt of four, dog-mother and Panathinaikos volleyball athlete. I'm always with a suitcase in my hand and I'm moving from town to town and from island to island! I like sweets and I eat a lot, don't be fooled by the "Panathinaikos athlete".
From a young age I was drawn to nature and I always preferred to take pictures of meadows with gardenias, century-old plane trees and blue skies. I've been skydiving from 14,000 feet, and then I woke up in fear. In addition to that, I had bought tickets to America, days before the Covid-19 outbreak. I was one of the passed out people in the Tunisian car that Thalia was driving and almost got married to a local for 100 camels! Although I believe in the Marvel multiverse, I love our Earth and I don't want to see it destroyed.
Manolis Simigdalas
Marine Scientist
Hello or else “Bula” as they say in the Pacific Ocean. My name is Manolis and I can say that I am the Marine Scientist of this team. I love travelling and exploring new places I’ve always had this tendency of getting lost “on purpose”. From a very young age I spent a lot of my time at sea while sailing, windsurfing and doing water sports in general. My love for the sea was not only limited on the surface but also underwater. As I was growing up I wanted to explore more about the underwater realm of the sea. Through Greek EcoProject I had the chance of meeting and get to know all the amazing people who created the organization as well as many other people who participated in all the different actions. The conservation and protection of the environment is an obligation that regards all of us, every journey begins with one step and all together we can make a difference. I have travelled to several places around the globe and participated and done research in various underwater ecosystems, the Earth and the environment will survive with or without us but as long as we are here why dont we all enjoy it and share it in a right way. You can find more details and info at my website below and in case you have any question regarding the sea and the environment please do not hesitate to contact us. www.amarinescientist.com Ohh! And one more thing I am the father of a crazy little cat called Pepe.
You can find more details and info at my website below and in case you have any question regarding the sea and the environment please do not hesitate to contact us.
Ohh! And one more thing I am the father of a crazy little cat called Pepe.
Kypraios Ioannis
Technical Support
Technical Support
My name is Kypraios Ioannis, father of 2 young boys, Damian 7 years old and Philip 2 years old. I'm a freelancer, chief refrigerant. For ten years I was a Scout and a tracker and that’s how I learnt the sense of responsibility towards our earth, the flora and the fauna. I love sports, adventure and enjoy eclectic food.
Nicholas Samaras
Underwater Photographer
Underwater Photographer
I am Nikolas Samaras, passionate about underwater photography but more passionate about my daughter. I started as a diver because of my love for the sea and the marine organisms. Soon after my need to highlight the beauty of the marine world with my own aesthetic transformed me from a conscious diver to an underwater photographer. Not to brag about myself but from 2006 till today I have won many international awards but the most important award of which is my daughter! Underwater photography is an immensely powerful medium for someone to convey a message. So, my participation in the Greek Eco Project was more of a pleasure and obligation.

Thanasis Protopsaltis
Hello, I'm Thanasis, a professional athlete. If you ask me where my house is, I'll lie, since I keep moving from country to country. I like to get lost in the digital world of gaming and watch series! I am under pressure from my superiors to carry out all the graphic tasks of the club, which I can say I enjoy, since I can combine my interest in painting with that of nature. You won't see me in many actions because I'm far away, but when you see me come, take a picture to remember me. Our Earth is unique and irreplaceable, don't get fooled by Stan Lee!!
Thanasis Protopsaltis
Hello, I'm Thanasis, a professional athlete. If you ask me where my house is, I'll lie, since I keep moving from country to country. I like to get lost in the digital world of gaming and watch series! I am under pressure from my superiors to carry out all the graphic tasks of the club, which I can say I enjoy, since I can combine my interest in painting with that of nature. You won't see me in many actions because I'm far away, but when you see me come, take a picture to remember me. Our Earth is unique and irreplaceable, don't get fooled by Stan Lee!!
Άννα Κολέσνικ
Environmental education
Environmental education
My name is Anna!!!
I love the sea and the sun! I have travelled almost to all the islands of Greece until I moved permanently to one of them. Now I can go down to the sea every day. Either to swim, or to do sup, once kitesurfing, or just to collect lightwood... but every time I try to find and throw away enough garbage, plastic and general things, and things that don’t belong there.
It would be really helpful if people stopped throwing litter into the sea!
Luca Fotopoulos
I am Luca, father of 2 daughters. I adore my family, my true friends and I strongly believe that you bear relatives, you don't choose them. I love animals, arts, cooking -well, love's way is through the stomach to arrive to the heart- and I get upset with dictation mistakes. I always try todo good to others first . I am a journalist, and a radio producer who denies to host a broadcast on a prefixed playlist. I organize children parties, because children are the only ones who say thank you and they mean it. I'd like to have read all the literature of the world. I worry how we shall inherit our planet to our children. I get disturbed by the destruction of ecosystems, irreplaceable forest damage and the extinction of animals. We have been told we were delivered an "easy" world, but the predecessors didn't mention the world is "fake" and "fraudulent". All together we can accomplish a lot, so much that not even ourselves can perceive the thought.
Elpida Karageorgiou
Internal Collaborations
Hello, everyone! I'm Elpida(Hope). I have two young children at home and countless at work, so interacting with an adult seems an ideal condition. Against my ecological conscience, my house and my bank account are complaining from the tones of books. Proof of the establishment of my own reading club, where a group of people struggle between everyday life and romance. I love the past and I believe that every year is worst than the previous one. My suitcases are filled with trips, concerts and binges with my company. I've ridden a donkey and a camel. As a child I climbed every tree in the forest, next to the village where I grew up. Keeping in touch with nature relaxes and rejuvenates me, which sometimes makes living in the city unbearable, especially when I think about what my children miss out on. My participation in this diverse group fills me up with hope a brighter future.
Elpida Karageorgiou
Internal Collaborations
Internal Collaborations
Hello, everyone! I'm Elpida(Hope). I have two young children at home and countless at work, so interacting with an adult seems an ideal condition. Against my ecological conscience, my house and my bank account are complaining from the tones of books. Proof of the establishment of my own reading club, where a group of people struggle between everyday life and romance. I love the past and I believe that every year is worst than the previous one. My suitcases are filled with trips, concerts and binges with my company. I've ridden a donkey and a camel. As a child I climbed every tree in the forest, next to the village where I grew up. Keeping in touch with nature relaxes and rejuvenates me, which sometimes makes living in the city unbearable, especially when I think about what my children miss out on. My participation in this diverse group fills me up with hope a brighter future.