The Greek Eco Project association envisions a world where man will live in absolute balance and connection with his natural "home". To achieve our vision we need courage, cooperation, respect, responsibility, and optimism.
The ultimate goal of the Greek Eco Project is the creation of a multidimensional ecological park, unique of its kind in Greece and Europe, to raise awareness and awaken the ecological consciousness of young and old, through experiential learning education.
The park will be 100% energy independent, from environmentally friendly materials with gardens, ponds, open play areas, specifically landscaped areas for pets and pleasant corners of communication, where it will also be the action center of Greek Eco Project.
Dozens of ecological actions open to the public will take place here: Exhibitions, Scientific days and events, educational seminars, Interactive ecological self-awareness games, Art hives with artistic creations from reusable materials, Workshops, Book Presentations.
Our purpose is to co-create an ecological park of experiential education and leisure, addressed to the entire world and to all age groups. An implementation center of ideas for the protection of the environment, where everyone's little help will be of great significance in preventing climate change for a greener planet. One a place of inspiration and education, a model of ecological behavior.

What visitors will see in the park:
• Mediterranean endemic plants and trees edible, evergreen and deciduous. Emphasis in biodiversity, the microclimate
• Vegetable gardens – learning natural organic farming for all ages
Natural lakes
• Botanical garden with native medicinal perennial herbs
• Covered passages – pergolas with climbing plants, arbors
• Natural materials, dirt paths in organic shapes, natural routes, ramps. Access everywhere for people with special needs
• Trails for moisture retention and water collection / soil regeneration with permaculture methods and with appropriate configurations. Protection of water resources and rainwater harvesting
• Naturally designed play areas with natural materials
• Playgrounds integrated into the environment for experiential environmental learning. Through a variety of natural materials, terrains and planting areas many opportunities for exploration will be given.
• Large free pet area, protected from the rest of the park with a natural fence.
• Building with passive thermal gains. Southern side shades, Bioclimatic design, Energy autonomy
• Curved volumes that embrace the visitors and attract them to the actions. Bioclimatic design
• Planted roofs, underground sections, green planted walls
• Natural ecological materials: Clay, geobags, wood, reeds, stone, straw, wood and dry wool
• Local materials with low energy content, recyclable, digestible, zero pollution, breathable, non-toxic
•Sustainable, bioclimatic design of buildings in contact with the earth and nature
• NATURAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM using a sedimentation pond and absorption of the biological load, from a series of low plants, shrubs and reeds. Decomposition of biological load without other waste and odors. It decreases moisture and produces compost and timber, useful for buildings as well as for environmental activities of the park
Do you also feel that the time has come to actually protect your natural "home"?
Help us realize our vision.
Become a Member – Become a Volunteer – Make a Donation
How's our dream going to come true?
With your active participation, the support of social responsibility sponsors and community programs, we design and implement projects such as:
Environmental actions with your participation, such as coastal and sea cleaning, tree plantings, park reconstructions, creations of works of art from useless objects.
Ενημέρωση μέσα από προγράμματα γνωριμίας και εκδρομές για τις προστατευόμενες περιοχές..
Creative games, observation courses of natural ecosystems and citizen science
Collaborations with public bodies, associations, businesses, local population, students, farmers, breeders and scientists, so that everyone's opinion can be heard and solutions can be given for the sake of the Earth.
Ecological awakening and environmental education for adults and children.
Circular economy- reuse and recycling initiatives.
Promote ideas to reduce overconsumption, personal reduction of the environmental footprint and preference of local products.